14 ก.พ. 2563
เพื่อเลือกชนิดและขนาดของวาล์วที่เหมาะสม สำหรับระบบที่ใช้ความดันสูงกว่า 1 bar โดยเฉพาะวาล์วที่เป็นระบบเปิดปิดทางอ้อมและแบบลูกผสมจะต้องมีการควบคุมอัตราการไหลของขาออกเพื่อรักษาความต่างศักย์ของความดัน (pressure drop) ระหว่างขาเข้าและขาออกให้ไม่เกิน 1 bar...
10 ก.ย. 2562
The main components of this valve type are a coil, a closing spring, a valve body cover and the valve body with the seat.
19 มิ.ย. 2562
Double acting Al-profile cylinder with integrated sensor grooves. Also available in explosion proof design, in a low-temperature version (XLC), with ice remover (XLC), with dirt remover (XLD), in a high temperature (XLH).
20 พ.ค. 2562
Valve 6013 is a direct-acting plunger valve. The stopper and plunger guide tube are welded together to enhance pressure resistance and leak-tightness.
20 พ.ค. 2562
You want to bring your system to the latest state of the art? “Full Service Excellence” is the appropriate partner for you in the planning and implementation of a system modernization.
17 พ.ค. 2562
The right temperature is crucial in many applications. Our Modular Valve and Sensor Platform can help you with this task.
15 พ.ค. 2562
Control valve, control armature, metering valve: the terms might be different – but it is the same product that they actually mean. In process-related practical use these components are usually called control valves, and the name refers to their function.
15 พ.ค. 2562
Full Service Excellence is the comprehensive service program from Bürkert.
14 พ.ค. 2562
Our newest generation of Solenoid control valves and control electronics can really make your life simpler.
2 พ.ค. 2562
The 0290 valve is a servo-assisted solenoid valve of the S.EV series. The valve opens without differential pressure.
27 มี.ค. 2562
Type 5406 valves are pilot-controlled solenoid valves with servo pistons. Depending on the version, these valves can be used either as feed line or circulation valves. The valves fulfill the requirements of a safety shut off valve according to DIN EN 23553-1. It is approved by TÜV-Süd and certified by DIN Certco. The universal coil system reduces logistics and service expenses.
25 มี.ค. 2562
Energy Isolation - Lockout Valves, Safety Exhaust Valves for Non-Clutch/Brake Applications, Safe Cylinder Return Valves, and Load Holding Valves
19 มี.ค. 2562
Air Distribution manifolds provide individual control on machinery with multiple pneumatic circuits. Mechanical presses may have clutch/brake, counterbalance, die cushion, mechanical devices and automation valves circuits. Air distribution manifolds allow centralized independent pressure control as well as independent lockout points for each circuit.
25 ธ.ค. 2561
The electronics Type SE56 (blind in compact version or with display in compact or remote version) connected to the magnetic flow sensor fitting Type S051, S054, S055 or S056 is designed for applications with liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 μS/cm.
22 ธ.ค. 2561
The Inline flow sensor/switch Type 8010 is specially designed for use in pure and water resembling fluids, free from air bubbles and magnetizable particles, to monitor minimum/maximum values of flow.
20 ธ.ค. 2561
The fitting can be used to connect any Insertion device for a measurement in the pipe. e.g. for flow, pH, oxidation reduction potential (O.R.P) and conductivity measurement.
18 ธ.ค. 2561
The sensor-fitting S030 has a built-in paddle wheel to measure the flow rate. When liquid flows through the pipe, the paddle wheel is set in rotation producing pulses which frequency is proportional to the flow rate
14 ธ.ค. 2561
The complete full bore magflowmeter Type 8056, which consists of a magnetic sensor fitting Type S056 connected to an electronics Type SE56 (blind in compact version or with display in compact or remote version) is designed for applications with liquids with a minimum conductivity of 5 μS/cm.
13 พ.ย. 2561
The robust and compact positioner is designed to standardisation acc. to IEC 60534-6-1 or VDI/VDE 3845 (IEC 60534-6-2) for assembly with linear and rotary actuators. In addition, the remote version with the displacement position sensor can be combined with Bürkert process control valves.
13 พ.ย. 2561
Manually-operated angle-seat valve of the type series 2000/2702 are delivered as standard with threaded or weld end port connection. Type 2000 with manual actuator without position indicator is used only for On/Off function.